City of West Sacramento
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The City has kicked-off a series of updates to the General Plan Policy Document. This package of updates constitutes the 5-year review of the General Plan.
Mobility Element
The City of West Sacramento City Council approved amendments to the Mobility Element of the General Plan on January 17, 2024, that incorporate updated circulation geometries and roadway classifications as well as updated policies and implementation program changes to better reflect the City’s goals.
- Mobility Element
- Revised Bridge District Specific Plan Volume 2 Revised Street and Design Standards
- Revised Bridge District Specific Plan Volume 3 Revised Implementation Strategy
Environmental Documentation
The City of West Sacramento, as lead agency, under the California environmental Quality Act (CEQA) completed a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the amendments to the General Plan Mobility Element and Bridge District Specific Plan. The comment period ended on Monday, September 25th and the City Council certified the SEIR on January 17, 2024.
- Notice of Availability
- Draft Supplemental EIR
- Appendix A - Notice of Preparation + Responses
- Appendix B - GP EIR Executive Summary Table
- Appendix C - Bridge District Specific Plan EIR Executive Summary Table
- Final SEIR
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
- Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
Environmental Justice
As of January 1, 2018, California’s cities, counties, and charter cities are required to either adopt an Environmental Justice Element in their General Plan or integrate Environmental Justice policies and goals into the elements of their General Plan upon the adoption or next revision of two or more elements concurrently.
The environmental justice general plan amendments must address and spell out objectives and policies that:
- Reduce the unique or compounded health risks in disadvantaged communities by means that include . . . the reduction of pollution exposure, including the improvement of air quality, and the promotion of public facilities, food access, safe and sanitary homes, and physical activity.
- Promote civil engagement in the public decision making process.
- Prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs of disadvantaged communities.
Safety Element
California SB 379 requires all cities and counties to include climate adaptation and resiliency strategies in the Safety Elements of their General Plans upon the next revision beginning January 1, 2017. The bill requires the climate adaptation update to include a set of goals, policies, and objectives for their communities based on the vulnerability assessment, as well as implementation measures, including the conservation and implementation of natural infrastructure that may be used in adaptation projects.
The bill requires that upon the next revision of a General Plan or local hazard mitigation plan, the Safety Element is to be updated as necessary to address climate adaptation and resilience strategies applicable to the city or county. This review and update is to include all of the following:
- A vulnerability assessment that identifies the risks that climate change poses to the local jurisdiction and the geographic areas at risk from climate change impacts.
- A set of adaptation and resilience goals, policies, and objectives based on the information specified in the climate vulnerability assessment for the protection of the community.
- A set of feasible implementation measures designed to carry out the goals, policies, and objectives identified pursuant to the adaptation objectives
Climate Action Plan
The City of West Sacramento is currently preparing a comprehensive update to its original Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) that was prepared in 2009 but never ultimately adopted. The CAP will demonstrate the City’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a manner that is consistent with the State of California’s ambitious GHG reduction goals and reflective of the local community context. The CAP also supports West Sacramento’s climate action and sustainability goals established in the 2035 General Plan, including within the Mobility and Safety Elements. The strategies developed in the CAP can also reinforce policies and implementation measures in the Healthy Community Element.
In keeping with the City’s climate action goals and objectives, the updated CAP will also describe how the City intends to ensure that all residents benefit as much as possible from reduced GHG emissions and a more sustainable community. The CAP will also describe how the City’s long-term vision of greater access by underserved residents (e.g., lower income residents, residents of color, and those with special housing needs including persons with disabilities) to safe, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods; employment and small business opportunities
The CAP will analyze GHG emissions that result from community activities, including natural gas and electricity use in homes and businesses, transportation from residents and employees, and solid waste disposal and treatment, among other sources. It will also include a projection of how the community’s emissions could change in the future if no further action is taken to slow or reduce their growth.
Following analysis of the community’s emissions sources, the CAP process will evaluate different GHG target options and define a set of local actions that can be implemented to achieve the selected target. This process will be based on recommendations developed through the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change, a joint leadership effort from the Cities of West Sacramento and Sacramento, and from resident and stakeholder input to ensure the plan uniquely reflects the West Sacramento community and priorities. Involvement by all segments of the City was also a priority in developing the community engagement program and affording ALL residents an opportunity to participate in shaping the updated CAP.
Visit the CAP webpage for updates on CAP engagement activities and new project-related information.
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